Antonio Petrone
I was born on 8 May 1981 in the Lake Geneva region of Switzerland. Of Italian origin, I grew up in the country that welcomed my parents, who a few years earlier had decided to leave their native country to settle here.
Ever since I was a child, I’ve wanted to make films, tell stories and make people dream. At the age of 12, I convinced my classmates to make a commando film in the forest of the village where we lived. With our small savings, we bought military clothes and plastic weapons and set off to find our superior, who had been captured by a team of rebels. Borrowing my father’s brand new VHS camera, I remember the beating I took when, after two weeks of filming, we had damaged it somewhat. But I never regretted it.
As I went through school, I took my friends on several shoots of different styles, where they really got into it and had fun. Even today, the memories of these films give us a great time. In the end, even if for them these shoots were a good way of having a laugh, for me it was already the start of a great adventure.
I then started an apprenticeship as a cabinetmaker until 2001, because I had promised my parents that I would have professional security and because it’s often difficult to convince them of an artistic career.
Despite this professional path, I have always kept deep within me the passion for which I was born. I later attended the filming of several short and feature films, including the movie “VERSO,” directed by Xavier Ruiz, starring Laurent Lucas and Carlos Leal, in which I played a uniformed police officer in an action scene.
It was finally in 2012 that I decided to produce my first short film, “ELOÏSE,” written and directed by myself, featuring actors Frédérique Dupré, Erik Chantry, and Romane Caillé for the first time. The film then made its way through various festivals, including an out-of-competition screening at Cannes.
Once the ball started rolling, I wrote, produced, and directed several films, including “19” in 2013, “UN GOÛT D’AMERTUME” in 2016, and “SWANN” in 2020, which received 23 awards at international festivals. For the rest, I encourage you to explore my filmography.
The year 2024 will see the release of the film “MURPHY,” an ambitious film that addresses the subjects of empathy and human love against the backdrop of a global war.
Being naturally dynamic and enthusiastic, I enjoy working on multiple projects simultaneously. Currently, I am also in the process of developing my first feature film, along with many other upcoming projects.
I hope, like all passionate individuals, to one day be counted among the great directors who will leave their mark on the history of cinema.